In Memory Of

Donations to Spark of Life Have Been Made in Memory Of…

Carol Smith (1950-2011)

Tom Jones (1958-2020)

Mary Lewis (1969-2017)

Are you interested in making a donation in memory of a loved one?

First, click below to make a donation. At the bottom of the donation form, you will be given the option to indicate if you would like your loved one to be featured on our website. If you check yes, please upload your image here and name your image with 1) the name of your loved one and 2) the years of their life. *Please only upload one image.

Honoring Your Loved Ones Through Donations

Making a donation in memory of a loved one is a meaningful way to honor their legacy and support others on their grief recovery journey. At Spark of Life, your generous contributions help us provide essential resources and support to those in need. Here’s how your donations make a difference:

– Support Grief Programs: Your contributions fund grief retreats, online courses, and one-on-one coaching sessions.

– Provide Resources: Help us create and distribute valuable materials to individuals and families experiencing loss.

– Foster Community: Enable us to build supportive communities where people can connect and heal together.

How to Make a Memoriam Donation

Interested in making a donation in memory of a loved one? Follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on the “Give Now” Button: Visit our donation page to start the process.
  2. Fill Out the Donation Form: Complete the form with your donation details.
  3. Indicate Memoriam Preference: At the bottom of the form, indicate if you would like your loved one to be featured on our website.
  4. Upload an Image: If you choose to feature your loved one, please upload an image and name it with their name and years of life (e.g., “John_Doe_1945-2021.jpg”).

The Impact of Your Donation

Every donation, no matter the size, makes a significant impact. Here are some ways your support helps:

– Grief Retreats: Provide scholarships for individuals to attend our life-changing retreats.

– **Online Courses**: Develop and maintain online courses that offer flexible support to those in grief.

– Personalized Coaching: Fund one-on-one coaching sessions with certified grief recovery coaches.

Testimonials from Donors

Our donors have shared their experiences of making memoriam donations and the positive impact it has had on their healing process. Here are a few testimonials from our community:

– “Donating in memory of my mother helped me feel connected to her legacy. Knowing that my contribution supports others in their grief journey is incredibly comforting.” – Sarah

– “Making a memoriam donation to Spark of Life was a meaningful way to honor my late husband. It’s a beautiful way to keep his memory alive and help others find hope.” – Emily

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Have questions about making a memoriam donation? Visit our FAQ page for more information on the donation process, how to feature your loved one, and the impact of your contribution.

Stay Connected

Stay informed about how your donations are making a difference by subscribing to our newsletter. Follow us on social media for updates, stories of hope, and more ways to get involved.